About the ‘Ocean views for the aesthetic traveler’ series

The art works for “Ocean Views for the Aesthetic Traveler” were created in the latter part of 2013.  They were inspired from a concurrent series (“me and Mu Chi’s six persimmons”) where I was studying early ink painters of the Sung period in China (1127 – 1279AD). Most of my working life has been, to some extent inspired by a Zen Buddhist approach to art, especially the flung ink style of painting.  A further inspiration has been the action paintings of the American School in the 1940s – 1960s.

My aim was to produce flung brushstrokes combined with relief silver, gold, copper and reflective hologram. This developed, fresh technique with meditation and the above materials awakened me to “what is, can be anything!”  (One does not just see with the eyes). Resulting in transforming/morphing the ever-changing energy of the sea and to realise new imagery of immediacy and suchness. All works are produced on Japanese handmade paper which seemed appropriate as traditional flung ink painting is executed on such.

“I hope you see what If feel that you may have similar enrichment”


Detail showing #59 from ‘Aesthetic views for the ocean traveller’ series – folded, handmade Japanese paper –  920mm x 620mm

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