The ‘Remind me, or 999 lost thoughts, or don’t ask me I haven’t a clue’ series
In this series of works, created over 2011 – 2013 Adriano uses text in the notes to challenge or question preconceived attitudes and myopic viewing. “Remind me, implies that I simply don’t know. The reason I don’t know is that I have doubts about what is… and why it is… and why should it be? Is there no other way? If we deal in infinite space then Remind Me implies that the people I am referring to – my viewers – have the opportunity to state why it is not so, to have an opinion based on the knowledge that has been learnt. The knowledge I seek is the ambiguity of everything.”
Many of the works are tilted or skewed, to allow exploration that play upon the ambivalence of the skew, both the vertical and the horizontal, combined with other mixed media such as paint, resins gold. In Remind Me the imagery is not intended to be illustrative of the question they are more akin to a Buddhist koan (a story, dialogue, question, or statement, which is used in Zen-practice to provoke the “great doubt”). Adriano Gemelli
Press Release
“Remind Me or 999 lost thoughts or don’t ask me I haven’t got a clue’ is a series of text driven visual art works which invites the viewer to participate with the artist ot discover his lost thoughts, involving diary notes, art techniques, other artists, politics, art concepts, philosophy, art, academia, life, time – pretty much everything that goes into living and dying in glorious colour. Basically a self help manual to survive as an individual in society where contradictions and general malaise appears to be the norm. Using such media as reflective hologram, mixed media, scrambled words, fried humour and irrationality as well as lost thoughts.
Remind me – who can you ask when no one knows?
Remind me, what? you’ve forgotten – we’ll have to start all over again! – Gold, reflective hologram & mixed media on synthetic paper – 1000mm x 420mm